How to Cleanse Acne Prone Skin, Ugh!

Sometimes cleansing your skin can be confusing. We’ve spent a lot of years with our teenage kids trying  to find out what causes breakouts and how to heal them. We are on child #3 and dealing with his skin issues and have finally found a solution. From dealing  with two previous children here is what we have learned:
1. Do not switch cleansers. Your skin needs at least 30 days to adjust to a cleanser. Switching
cleansers causes breakouts!
2. Microfiber cloths are all that’s needed to cleanse and remove dirt from the pores. Simply wet
the cloth and clean away the dirt.
3. Washing too much actually causes breakouts!

Daughter #2 decided to become an Esthetician due to all her skin issues. So we have developed a skincare line with less chemicals and irritants. So here is our suggestion on getting rid of acne the Natural way.

If you suffer from acne and would like to heal your breakouts then that really takes a lifestyle change. What you put in your body really does matter! Drink water, no sugary drinks. Milk causes breakouts and it’s best to eliminate milk from your diet. Eliminate slowly and if possible its best to try eliminating foods for at least 30 days.  If your skin looks better, don’t start eating these foods that trigger your breakouts. This can be hard but health and better looking skin, takes work. Try eliminating dairy, grains and SUGAR. Oh Sugar, “sigh”. Sugar is another post for another day! I can’t get myself going on sugar right now.
So here we go, let’s get rid of the acne!
Sometimes microfiber cloths can irritate breakouts so I suggest Raw African Black Soap. This is an amazing product that will dry up your blemishes from the outside. So diet heals the skin from the inside and Raw African Black Soap will work on the outside. This soap is sourced from Africa and is very healing to the skin and great for psoriasis, eczema, acne, dry skin, clear skin. Nature’s cure for all skin problems.
Made with aloe vera, honey, shea butter, camwood, palm kernel oil, cocoa pod ash, palm . It is a soft soap and all you need to do is cut off aa piece and keep the other piece in a sealed container. Use this cut piece for your face and if you have body acne, use the larger piece for bathing.  To keep it soft you will need to keep it in a sealed container, but if you’d like it to harden then keep your soap exposed to air. It works great both ways!
Wet soap, rub in your hands and apply it to your face massaging in circular motion. Add a little more water to your hands and massage some more. massage for at least 1 minute. Rinse and Follow up with our Minty Yarrow Facial Toner and Green Tea Face Cream. Spot treat your breakouts with our Blemish made with jojoba oil, grapefruit seed oil and skin healing essential oils.
Watch for our next post on Facial Toners.

One thought on “How to Cleanse Acne Prone Skin, Ugh!

  1. Pingback: The 3rd Step in Skincare, Moisture. | naturallypurebath&body

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